I am always tired after glazing and firing and marvel at all those wonderful woodfirers who labour through long nights of firing. I love the results of the fire and ash but wonder how long it must take to recover from those labour intensive hours spent stoking. The woodfire community seems to be growing worldwide and I am glad there is such appreciation for the work produced.
I have to neglect clay for a little while as we are getting chickens - they are spending a whole day flying to live in our remote climes so hope they survive the trip - we are assured they will be ok. At least our Winter nights only go down to 23C+ and the days are still hitting low 30's. Nona and Mum have to try their hand at converting a steel frame canopy into a snake proof chook house - we have lots of pythons around so I'm sure chickens would make a tasty morsel. The things we do for little ones.......
Glad to hear I'm not the only working potter trying to juggle things around family life. I like your local clay examples.
Lots to explore in the beautiful surfaces you have achieved.
That glass disc looks to have fascinating possibilities, never seen anything like it before, is it something from the mining industry?
I really must start digging and processing clay, it is wonderful that your local kaolin throws so well.
I got a laugh out of your chickens "flying for a whole day" to your remote climes, I really did picture them doing flapping along at 8 thousand feet under their own steam!
Our weather is about 5 degrees at night, and 6 or 7 in the day at the moment, so I am envious of your night time temperatures.
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